2014년 9월 11일 목요일



my topic:
Low-fat food is always a healthy choice?

what I hope to learn from this source:
What's a calorie-conscious cosumer to do


Wouldn’t you rather eat one serving of your favorite dessert in the world than three servings of a mediocre treat from the vending machine? Of course you would. Although the American ideal of “more is more” and “bigger is better” has permeated many facets of our culture, cuisine included, don’t jump on the monkey train. One spoonful of full fat sour cream on your potato is far more satisfying than three scoops of non-fat sour “cream.” It is better for your body, and better for your mind as it gives you no sense of deprivation.
If you have been terrorized about fats by the modern diet industry to the point where seeing a pat of butter gives you an anxious reaction, focus on introducing the so-called “healthy” fats into your diet such as those found in walnuts, almonds, avocado and olives.Your body and brain will thank you, and you will probably find that you are feeling healthier and more energetic as well.
Convince yourself that with food, quality is more important than quantity and resolve to indulge in conscious eating. A very low-fat diet may save you a few calories today, but in the long run it could be setting you up for blood sugar imbalances and even future weight gain.

final thoughts:
I impress in "quality is more important than quantity". People have to know that low-fat foods may have imbalance of fat and lead you blood-desease

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